Children are precious; there’s no two ways about it. As parents, you want the best life for them and do everything in your capacity to ensure this. We follow the same credo at Kiran Speciality Hospitals when it comes to children’s health, to provide comprehensive and holistic pediatric healthcare services under one roof in a cheerful and compassionate ambience.
Dr Kiran Kumar H K
Senior Pediatrician
Dr Lokesh
Peadiatrics Surgeon
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Women go through a range of biological and psychosomatic changes in a lifetime, including having a baby. The Centre of Excellence in Obstetrics and Gynaecology is well-endowed with the gamut of Multi-Specialty disciplines to offer superlative and holistic treatment and facilities encompassing all aspects of women and baby health care
Dr Vineetha Kiran
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Kiran Speciality Hospital's Division of General Medicine is headed by advanced medical practitioners who are dedicated to managing and understanding all aspects of general health care of its patients. Patients are also offered disease prevention strategies and preventive care to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Dr Madhura A R
Consultant Physician
General Surgery
As one of India's most comprehensive general surgery practices, the Department of General Surgery at Kiran Speciality Hospital equips highly skilled surgeons with state of the art facilities to ensure a high surgical success rate.